Lead Gameplay Programmer
An experienced and dedicated Gameplay Programmer with a passion for creating exciting and immersive gaming experiences.
Over the past six years, I dedicated my expertise to PlayStation London Studio, where I rose to the role of Lead Gameplay Programmer for a first-party multiplayer action title. In this capacity, I spearheaded the advancement of our combat and player-facing systems. I was also a key feature owner, leading a multidisciplinary team. Throughout my tenure at PlayStation, I played a pivotal role in shaping not only key technical aspects but also the creative direction of our projects.
Prior to that, I have also worked for the game studio JContents in Osaka, developing games for some of Japan's biggest companies. Previously, I have also worked at Memrise, the pioneering language learning platform, Mindshapes, an award winning educational company for children and Marmalade Game Studio, developing hit mobile games such as Call of Duty: Blackops Zombies, Backbreaker Football: Tackle Alley and Fable Coin Golf.
Throughout my career, I've consistently bridged the divide between technology and design. While my dedication lies in the core aspects of programming — solid system design, effective problem-solving, and clean, efficient code — I also possess a deep understanding of game mechanics and design principles. I take pleasure in analytically dissecting games, examining their thematic and artistic elements, and gaining insight into their inner workings.
My goal is to leverage my talents to become a key creative figure in creating games that push the boundaries of interative entertaiment.
NOTE: Due to NDA, I am unable to disclose many details about this project. Therefore what is outlined below is a mix of public information and high-level descriptions of general systems and features used for a game of this kind of genre.
This title was an unannounced first-party multiplayer PvE live service action game for PlayStation 5 and PC. I was involved with this project from its inception, working from the pitching phase, building up the intial prototypes, iteration on it's design and implementing it into a production environment.
As Lead Gameplay Programmer, I was intimitately involved with many aspects of the game such as the core melee and ranged combat systems, enemy AI, camera, controls and traversal mechanics.
As we progressed into production, I was entrusted to lead a multidisciplinary team as one of the key feature owners.
The engine we used for production was an in-house engine that utilised determinism, rollback and ECS.
The First Playable build was a showcase of many of the core combat systems that we wanted to build out for this title. It contained many traditional mechanics and structures that you'd might find of this kind of game but also included some key unique features too.
As a Lead, I constantly drove the team to maintain a rapid prototyping mentality and workflows to quickly iterate on the title, making sure they stayed focused on the goals of the project and quickly making decisions to pivot when it was needed. The results of which kept the team highly enganged and highly productive. This consistently produced highly positive feedback in our playtests.
I also played a key creative role in many core aspects of the design. Working intimately with the Lead Designers, I would provide critical feedback and make pivotal suggestions for improvement. I would often make proposals for new systems or gameplay improvements that would end up as key components to the core design.
My other main responsibility was to implement many of the features that went into the build, with a particular focus on striking a balance between creating a strong maintainable structure and allowing for rapid turnarounds.
In particular I had a big role in defining many of the combat systems required in both the technical and creative aspects.
I defined and built how many of the melee combat systems works, including:
I was also responsible for building out how our targeting system works to support our ranged combat. This included implementing many of the ranged abilities and developing how our camera functioned.
A core system underpining the majority of our prototype work was the Abilty System (similar to Unreal Engine's GAS). Many of the behaviours that were implemented were defined as abilities in a scalable and modular way. Along with defining attributes for a character and being able to alter those attributes dynamically, we created a systematic approach to building out our gameplay.
I was instrumental in mapping out these systems and pushing for them to be built so that we can rapidly develop the core gameplay.
I also had built many of the structures defining how our AI was created. This included setting out how we used our AI Controller, Behaviour Trees and Spacial Queries in such a way that would allow it to be scalable and efficient. Along with our Ability System, it mean that we could be very rapid in introducing new enemy types as many of the core functionality was already set up to be shared amongst themselves.
For a few of the key enemy archetypes, I was also the main stakeholder in designing and implementing them. This included:
I had a particular focus on following the principle that they had to have clear, simple and easy to read behaviour so that the player can understand what is required of them to tackle those enemies.
NOTE: Due to NDA, I am unable to disclose many details about this project. Therefore what is outlined below is a mix of public information and high-level descriptions of general systems and features used for a game of this kind of genre.
This title was an unannounced game for the PS5 utilising PS VR2 intended to be released as a first-party Sony PlayStation Studios game. I was involved early on throughout the pitching and prototyping phases. As the sole Gameplay Programmer for my strike team, I had a large degree of flexibility and ownership on key mechanics.
Despite very positive feedback from playtests of our work, due to a shift in strategy, we were moved onto a different project.
During this phase, the emphasis was on quick turnarounds for prototypes. I would work with one Technical Designer and one Level Designer to first brainstorm ideas, create an initial implementation, review as a group and iterate as needed. Due to this flexiblity, we would often decide on an idea at the beginning of the week and have a working playable prototype by the end of the week. Coordination and decision making was key to achieving this. My innate understanding of game design was essential here too, as I was able to fill in many of the subtle but important gaps in the design without the need for constant back and forths.
Unreal Engine was utilised to ensure rapid prototyping with a mix between C++ and Blueprints.
Our strike team was specifically involved with creating new traversal mechanics. This often involved thinking outside of the box, for ways that we could best utilise the VR platform. Often this would involve things like interpreting 3D space controller inputs into detailed gestures in such a way that it stayed intuative and responsive, whilst also providing the feedback required through things like haptics, sounds and VFX.
In particular with VR, we paid particular focus on having new traversal mechanics that kept the player comfortable but provided a new experience with the freedom they would desire.
NOTE: Due to NDA, I am unable to disclose many details about this project. Therefore what is outlined below is a mix of public information and high-level descriptions of general systems and features used for a game of this kind of genre.
This was an unannounced game planned to be released on the PS4 as a first-party Sony PlayStation title. As part of the New Entertainment Team within London Studio, the remit was for this game to bring in a new audience of non-typical gamers.
There was a narrative heavy focus, ensuring that even players with no gaming experience has a low barrier to entry. Many parts of the game was reliant on how we allowed real-time manipulation of live action footage to give players a level of interactivity that wouldn't usually be possible.
One of my responsibilities was outlining the network communication pipeline to relay messages from an external device. As one of the roles of this device was for making the game more accessible to players, it was paramount that it was as responsive as possible. As such, a lot of my effort was spent on reducing input lag and making those controls as intuitive as possible.
Various techniques were used to ensure input lag was kept at a minimum, including optimisational solutions such as bit-packing data and ensuring messages was sent via UDP.
Feedback was also provided using both sound and haptics to maintain a sense of weight to the player's interactions. I also contributed creatively in designing the different ways that players could interact with the game.
A key feature was to allow players to manipulate live action footage in real-time. I was responsible for many of the key ingredients that went into this, including:
This is information about the other titles I have released during my career. I have worked on some of the biggest IPs in gaming across Japan and the UK.
View other titlesHere is some of my older portfolio work. These projects are somewhat dated now but still show an an interesting progression throughout my game development career. This is not necessarily a representation of my current abilities.
View archived portfolioAdditional details and references are available on request.